NGT plants – a pandora's box?
Webinar, 19 April 2024, 10-12:00
Why a deregulation of new genetic engineering must be firmly opposed
At this term's last plenary week, the European Parliament will hold a vote to confirm its position on the application of new genomic techniques on plants. However, the position leaves many questions unanswered. Risk assessment in particular is completely slayed for more than 90% of NGT plants, including wild flora. Other provisions, including on non-patentability, do not convince either. Meanwhile, the file is blocked in Council, with numerous member states opposing deregulation.
Opening words:
Christophe Clergeau, MEP: State of play with focus on the opinion of ANSES
Dr. Dietmar Vybiral, national GMO expert, Austrian ministry for social affairs, health, care and consumer protection: State of play at Council
Prof. Dr. Katja Tielbörger, University of Tübingen: Risks and benefits of NGTs - an ecological perspective on the text adopted by Parliament (find the presentation here)
Dr. Christoph Then, executive director, Testbiotech: Future of plants - what EFSA, Commission and Parliament missed completely (find the presentation here)
Johanna Eckhardt, project coordination, No patents on seeds!: How to protect conventional breeding from patent claims (find the presentation here)
Moderation: Astrid Österreicher, Testbiotech