In April 2021 the company Nunhems / BASF has received a European patent on water melons (EP2814316) derived from conventional breeding. The plants show a bushy growth habit. According to the patent, the genetic condition for bushy growth just occurred by occasion. Nunhems applied known breeding methods to generate melon fruits without kernels from these plants. The main advantage: These plants need less space for growing. The patent covers the plants, the seeds and the fruits. In December 2021, NO PATENTS ON SEEDS! filed an opposition against this patent. At a hearing on 12 September 2023, the opposition was rejected and the patent was upheld. NO PATENTS ON SEEDS! filed a complaint.
Press release BASF patent on watermelons upheld (12.09.2023)
Press release Opposition against BASF patent on watermelons (14.12.2021)
Press release EPO grants BASF a patent on water melons (5.5.2021)
Media reports:
14.09.2023 - BioEcoActual (ES): Se mantiene la patente de BASF sobre las sandías: La Oficina Europea de Patentes rechaza la oposición de No Patents on Seeds!
14.09.2023 - BioEcoActual (CAT): Es manté la patent de BASF sobre les síndries: L’Oficina Europea de Patents rebutja l’oposició de No Patents on Seeds!