Member organisations

The member organisations of NO PATENTS ON SEEDS! are concerned about the increasing number of patents on plants, seeds and farm animals and their impact on farmers, breeders, innovation and biodiversity.
These patents are an abuse of patent law and put in danger the access to basic resources in agriculture and food production.

Therefore, we call for an urgent re-think of European patent law in biotechnology and plant breeding and for clear regulations that exclude conventional breeding, genetic material, animals, plants and food derived thereof from patentability!

Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft e.V. (AbL) (DE)


Beyond GM (UK)

biorespect (CH)

BUND Naturschutz in Bayern e.V. (DE)

Corporate Europe Observatory (BE / EU)

Dachverband Kulturpflanzen- und Nutztiervielfalt e.V. (DE)

Frøsamlerne (Danish Seed Savers) (DK)

Gen-ethical network (DE)

IG Nachbau (DE)

IG Saatgut

Kein Patent auf Leben (DE)

Munich Environmental Institute (DE)

Oxfam (NL)

Plataforma Transgénicos Fora (PT)

ProSpecieRara (CH)

Public Eye (CH)